Optiguard Ant Gel Bait: Review

Optiguard Ant Gel Bait is as the name indicates, a gel bait for ants
Placing the bait
You place slight bait along the trail, where the ants walk. They'll eat the bait and bring it back to their nest, where more will eat the bait and then it will slowly kill the antsAfter placing it around the home, where I could find ant trails. Including outside, around where the trash cans are. I could see noticeable reduction day by day
Where did the ants go?
After a few days of daily reapplying poison, where ant trails can be seen. The ant problem inside, was about completly goneJust remember to check for ant trails on the outside as well, to ensure you don't soon have another ant problem inside again
After trying lots of different options for ants, this is the most effective I have foundSprays are good to quickly remove ants in an area, but it doesn't help removing the nest and that's where a product like this comes in. As it allows the ants to bring the poison into the nest and killing of the nest
If you live in a hot country, as I do. I recommend storing the tube in an aircon room or slight in the fridge, before applying. Otherwise the gel might be a bit liquid and easy to over apply
Our verdict: Check it out!