Creamy Potato Bake

Creamy Potato Bake

Sliced potatos that are mixed with cream and spices, then oven baked


Peel potatos and cut into thin slices


Peel and cut potatos into thin slices

Boil and drain


Boil the potatos for about 10 minutes. Then drain and put into a greased fireproof form

Grate garlic

Grate the garlic into small pieces and put aside, with the pepper and salt

Bring cream to a boil


Now you want to pour the cream into a casserole and bring to a boil, then remove it from heat

Add garlic and spices


Add the chopped garlic, salt and pepper to the sauce

Pour sauce over potatos


Pour the sauce over the potatos and mix in

Put in oven

Preheat the oven at 200°C and then put into oven for about 20 minutes

Add cheese [optional]

Top with cheese and cook for another 5-10 minutes, until cheese is melted

Serve and enjoy


Fits perfectly with steak and other meat dishes

Tags: #CreamyPotatoBake

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