Homemade Croutons Recipe

Homemade Croutons Recipe

Croutons are perfect for soups and salads, and are easier to make than you might think


Cut bread


Start by cutting the bread of your choosing into tiny cubes

Add oil and spices


Have the bread into a bowl. Sprinkle the oil and spices over the bread cubes, then mix it

Put in oven

Oven: Put oven to 180°C and cook for about 15min

Oven toaster: Put on medium, mix and then another round on medium

Air dry for a while

Now it's time to let it air dry, so moisture can evaporate. To ensure a proper crispy result and extend storage life


After a little while, you can either consume or place in an air tight container. The croutons remain good for up to three weeks

Tags: #HomemadeCroutons

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