8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller: First Impression

8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller: First Impression

8BitDo have made a premium segment controller for Switch and Windows. Is it enough to compete with first party controllers

8BitDo is famous for their high quality and affordable controller's. For the first time, they have released a premium segment controller with a price that match first part controllers, does it leave a good first impression? Let's find out

The star


Inside the box you'll find the controller, available in white and black variants. An charging dock, 2.4G USB-plug, 1 meter charging cable and an manual. Beside the manual, everything matches the colour of the controller



The star of the show, with white and black colour options. If you've used an Xbox Controller (beside the Duke) or Switch Pro, this controller will be very familiar in shape


On front you'll X, Y, A and B buttons in a Nintendo style layout. Two Hall Effect joysticks, that should be less prone to drifting and 8BitDo's famous D-Pad

Underneath you'll see player indicator light, if you're player 1 through 4


In the middle you'll find the different menu buttons, but in a more Xbox layout. With Home, Capture, + and -

In addition there's a profile button and three light indicators, that allows you to quickly swap between three custom profiles that you can setup through their Ultimate Software


On top you'll find the shoulders buttons; R1, R2, L1 and L2. Sync button, battery status light (for low battery and charging) and USB-C plug


While over on the back side you'll find two more buttons; P1 and P2. These buttons are only used, if you assign a function to them through Ultimate Software

There's also three metal connectors, that the pogo pins on the dock will connect with for charging and a switch, to toggle between Bluetooth mode (Switch) and 2.4G mode (Windows/Dongle)

Battery is not removable, but is claimed to last for about 22 hours


The handles have texture, making the controller sit very firmly in your hand

Dock and Dongle


On the front of the dock, you'll find the 8BitDo logo and on top, you have three pogo pins. With the well thought of design, the controller easily slide into the dock and directly connects to the pogo pins, that charge the controller


On the back you'll find an USB-C slot, which you can connect the dock to a power source


Underneath the dock, you'll find a few things. Rubber feet, making the dock super steady and an hatch, which inside have a dedicated space to house the 2.4G USB-dongle while not in use and while in there, will also work as a 2.4G receiver if dock is connected to a computer/Switch

Don't be confused

Currently 8BitDo have released four controllers under the Ultimate brand, two wired and two wireless variants. Each of these variants, have its own set of colors and supported systems

8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller
> Designed for : Switch and Windows
> Button layout : Switch

This is the controller we are featuring in this article

8BitDo Ultimate 2.4G Controller
> Designed for : Windows, Android and Raspberry Pi
> Button layout : Xbox

8BitDo Ultimate Xbox Wired Controller
> Designed for : Xbox (ONE/Series X|S) and Windows
> Button layout : Xbox and Xbox home button

8BitDo Ultimate Wired Controller
> Designed for : Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and Switch
> Button layout : Xbox

First Impression

What an First Impression 8BitDo leaves with their new controller

Even with a more premium price point, more in line with first party controllers. This one is definitely worth it and can easily become your new primary controller


It doesn't offer NFC and HD Rumble, but that's also the only downside when compared to the Switch Pro Controller and thats only if you care about those features

I personally had a bit mixed feeling of the feel off the joysticks, something felt off. When compared to the 8BitDo Pro 2, which will live beside the Ultimate series. Other trying it, didn't seem to have any concerns


In return, you are getting a charging dock and the option to use the controller with either the 2.4G dongle or Bluetooth, with the flick of a switch


That's it for the first impression. I can't hold them off anymore, they want their controller and Switch back...

Tags: #8BitDo #8BitDoUltimateBluetoothController #NintendoSwitch #Windows

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