Mi Electric Scooter (M365): Review

Got the Mi Electric Scooter back on 6th of September of 2018. It quickly became my main transport going to/from work and many other errands
The 800km mark was passed on 7th of February 2019Experience so far, is that regular maintenance is needed, as with any other bike
The bike will need regular cleaning, lube, tightening of screws and breaks
A hard lesson I learned, is that the eScooter should NEVER be cleaned while folder. As the rode leading up to the handle bar is hollow and have opening where it folds. So water can easily get inside the rode and flow into the handlebar where you have electronics that can get water damaged
My bike refused to turn on after I washed it, so I filled the handle bar with rice and left it for a few days. Luckily it was enough to save extract the water and save it
May 13 2019 the 1000km mark was passedBattery
The eScooter features an 7800 mAh battery, that's good for about 20-30km. Depending on how you drive, hills and how much weight you put onto itAfter battery passes the 50%, you quickly notices a decrease in performance when it comes to acceleration and especially hills
Charging from 50% takes about 2-3 hours and 5 hours if the battery is about completely depleted. I always try to charge around 50%, as this give me not to long charge time and the best effect of the battery
Main issue and concern have been flat tires on the read tire. Changed tube two times and tire once during the first 800km. One of the flat's was caused by a nail and the other the tube burstThe rode lock has slight gap and adjusting the screws isn't always a permanent fix. This is a very common issue with the Mi Electric Scooter and many solves it, by putting something thin where the rode locks to the main bike
Rear light broke within the first 800km and by my research on the topic, it's a common issue. There's no protection for the rear light wire, it's in the open between the rear spoiler and rear tire. So when the rear spoiler vibrates, it the light cable can touch the tire and break it
It can easily be fixed, by placing slight protection over the wire or adding support to the rear fender, to avoid it vibrating to much. Which can also help prevent it from breaking over time
Handlebar screws have a tendency of loosening over time and need frequently retightening or the handlebar will be wobbly
There was thread lock on the screws from factory, but after adding new round of thread lock issue went away
Squeaking sounds starts to appear after a little while, especially after rain or wash. Sounds go away, if you apply slight lube and/or WD-40
Solid tire
After trying different approaches, to limited the flat tire issue. Such as trying out anti-flat plastic, which for me dug into the tube and caused a flatI installed a solid tire, which was a nightmare to install on the rim and ended up going to get it fixed at a tire shop. The ride will be a bit bumpier, but at least you don't need to worry about flats
The front light is decent, but the rear light could been stronger / bigger and is not that visible during the nightTo compensate for not the best rear light, I recommend waring a reflective west if you're driving after dark
Ride limitations
Where you are allowed to ride, will greatly vary from country to country and even between cities in the same countryIn 2018 you could ride the eScooter most places in Metro Manila, Philippines. Except for highways (C5, EDSA, etc) and most parks, but peddle bikes wouldn't be allowed there either
2195 km
As of today, February 1st 2022 the eScooter have passed 2195 km which is just insane and most of this was achived in the first two yearsThese days my Mi Electric Scooter is mostly enjoying it's retirement and being used once in a while, mainly by other household members
I have upgraded to Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2, as I felt the distance and strength started to decrease after 2 years if heavy usage
Overall very happy with the investment in the Mi Electric Scooter , even with the issues mentioned above and would easily buy it again, if I didn't already own itMy biggest issue have always been related to flats. My solution have been solid tire, but have been wishing for Xiaomi to add bigger 10" tires and/or shock absorbers to the eScooters