Deerma VC20 vacuum: 10 months later

Deerma VC20 vacuum: 10 months later

Now I've been using the Deerma VC20 for 10 months. Is it worth the money, what's the pros and cons?

It's a small and lightweight vacuum, ideal for small apartments or as a second vacuum

There's also a red variant called VC21. From what I can see, it should be the same as VC20

I also see VC20 and VC20S get used around each other. I'm not completely sure what the S stands for, but it seems it's the same vacuum. Could be a regional variant


In the box, you'll find:
- Vacuume main unit
- Extension tube
- Main brush
- Charger
- 2-in-1 Flat brush
- Edge cleaning brush
- Filter
- Manual


All pieces can be connected to the main unit or through the extension hose

The vacuum has a 150W engine, but when you combine it with the rotary brush. You'll have a very good cleaning result, with a device that's low on power consumption

Takes 2-4 hours to fully charge, depending on how drained the unit is and a full charge will give you 15-30min of vacuum

One charge I can easily vacuume my entire 66sqm unit and still have charge left. For days when you do heavier cleaning, you might need to have it on charging between vacuume sessions. So it it's perfect for daily cleaning, but if you've a very large space or want to do a lot of heavy cleaning. The battery life will be on the shorter side


By clicking the power button once, you'll turn on the vacuum in low power mode and click one more time to set it to high power mode. I normally run in high power mode, as it gets the best result and I don't need to revist an area to many times to get everything

When you've turned it on, you'll see up to four blue lights on top. They indicate how much charge is left. Four lights indicate (near) full charge, and no lights is empty. If it completely run out of power while in use, the four lights will blink red


Everything you vacuume will be collected in the 0.6L dust tank. Smaller particles will be collected in the filter

Here's my biggest concern with the vacuum, is that the mesh between the dust chamber and filter is two large. So the filter is quickly cloged after just one cleaning, which reduces suction power

I've added a routine to empty the dust chamber and filter after each vacuume


Cleaning the vacuume itself is fairly simple, as most part are detachable and you can clean in with water. Biggest issue is the main brush, which have some areas which is near impossible to get to. The side areas unde the transparent front. I wish that that section wasn't transparent and part of the main mold

After 10 months of usage, there's some wear and tear I'd expect first after 2-3 years of usage. The lock mechanism of the dust bucket to the main unit is becoming looser. I often find the brushes won't start rotating and that's caused by the dust bucket rotating slight out of place, so power is not provided to the main brush. After rotating it back into place, the brushes start rotating

Overall it's a decent vacuum for its price point, but I have concerns on how long it will actually last

Tags: #Deerma #DeermaVC20 #DeermaVC21 #Deerma20S

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