WAHL Pet Clipper Kit: Review

The WAHL Pet Clipper Kit is advertised to be ideal for light-duty clipping and trimming for all breads with fine, smooth and short hair
Before putting it to the test, let's take a look what's in the box
Inside the box you'll find what you need to use the deviceYou'll find four trimmer lengths (3 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm and 13 mm), a brush to clean the blades and oil, to lubricate the blade
The clipper comes with a 203 cm (80 feet) coord and have a removable clipper cover on, to protect the blade
Mine come with US styled power plug, but based on the manual this model is sold all around the world and you should be getting a power plug for your region
You also get a case, where you can store the clipper and its accessories when not in use. The case is a bit soft, so it easily bend if you push it
Oiling the blade
Before using the clipper and as regular maintenance, you'll need to add some oil to the bladeTurn the clipper on and apply a few drops to the blade. This will help the blades run smoothly and extend the life of the clipper, if done regularly
Then find your first victim... erh, I mean find the lucky pet who's getting their hair trimmedOur vic.. lucky pet got a shower in advance and time to completely dry
Then it's just start trimming and here we quickly found out it's better to gradually cut down lengts. So start with 10/13 mm, before going down to 3mm
As there can be quite a lot of hair, we recommend having a trashcan or bag nearby where you can gradually put the hair as you go
The clipper vibrates a lot and after extended usage, it can become quite hot. So we took a midway break
You also want to brush the blade once in a while, to keep performance up
Some final trims, especially around the face is easiest done with scissors
Newly cut pet, that's happy to be free again
Power usage
Power usage started on 11W, but quickly went up to 13-14W and stayed there for most of the trimAt the end this number went past 14W and climbed up to 14.27W at the highest
All in all, the WAHL Pet Clipper Kit is a nice package and it does a good job trimmingAs it vibrates quite a lot and becomes very hot after a while, it's not the best for long sessions
As advertised, it's a good pet clipper for trims and if that's your use case, it's a good options. If you plan to use it for very long hair and extended sessions, then this might not be the right choice for you