How to get USC from Globe, Smart, Dito, TM and TNT

Now that you can finally move your number between Telcom providers, you will be asked for a USC. Let's go over how to get one and what it is
How to get USC from Globe, Smart, Dito, TM and TNT

What is USC?

Unique Subscriber Code or USC for short, is a nine digit code you need to get from your current provider to transfer your number from one provider to another

This measure is in place, to make it harder for someone to steal your number

How long is the USC valid?

After receiving the USC, it's valid for 15 days

How often can I move?

You can move your number once every 60 days, since your last move

If you have any lock-ins, outstanding debts or are a principal account holder, with other accounts under you. You will not be allowed to move, until the status changes

Internal vs External porting

Internal porting, is when you port your number within the same telco, from prepaid to postpaid or vice-versa

While external porting is when you go from one telco to another, example going from Smart to Globe

Getting USC

Speak to your current provider


Contact DITO support to get your UTC, through one of their channels

  • Live chat via DITO App
  • Customer service email: [email protected]
  • DITO Facebook page
  • DITO Hotline 185


You need to drop by Globe store and ask for an USC code. If no line, you'll get the code almost instantly


You need to go by a Smart store and ask for an USC code

Receiving UTC


After speaking to your current provider and if you're eligible for transfer, you'll get the code on SMS after a few minutes

Next step

Now that you got your UTC code, you should prepare to speak to your new provider as soon as possible to start the transfer or you might risk the code expiring and having to start the process over

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