Things you might have missed in Squid Games

It's not to hide under a rock that Netflix Squid Games is extremely popular and for good reasons, it's a good show
Here's some things you might have missed in Squid Games
By continuing reading, you might encounter spoilers
Wall decoration
In the big room, where all the participants of the Squid Games sleeps. Have you ever stopped and looked at the wall decorations?If you did, you'd find art representing all the different games played. The first night, most of the wall decoration was covered up by beds, but as more and more players are eliminated. The beds are removed and more clearly reveal the wall decorations
001 is not same green
In the first game; Red light, green light. We get to see through the eyes of the doll. If contestants are green, they're fine and red, they're moving and disqualifiedIf you paid attention, 001 and anyone close enough to him isn't registered the same way
First time I watched the episode, I thought it was just a mistake. But considering how careful and detailed this show have been made, it's not impossible that the doll is programmed not to harm him
001 didn't have a file
When police detective Jun-ho, goes through the files in the backroom of the Front Man. The current participant folder skips 001 and starts on 002I thought it was strange, but I didn't think too much about it the first time I saw it. When you think back or re-watch, it makes a lot more sense why it wasn't there
Angles on masks
You've probably noticed there are symbols on the masks and understood some of the meaningsDirector Hwang have explained that circles are workers, triangles are soldiers and squares are managers. Other than the mask symbol, they all wear the same clothes and mask
Then as you continue up the ladder, you'll see the Front Man has a lot of angles on the mask and then the VIPs even more than that
Red hair
At the end of the show, Gi-hun (player 456) color his hair red and after lot of speculation online, Director Hwang gave an statementFrom the interview, Ki Hoon was written instead of Gi-hun (player 456). Considering it's translated from Korean, we see it as a different translation on the same name (frequently seen when Asian names are translated to English). Based on images used in source and it's the only character who colors his hair red, it's clear it's about player 456