One Piece cast in Netflix's live action vs Anime

Netflix's take on One Piece is out and you might be wondering how the cast looks compared to the anime
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy

Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates with rubber abilities, after eating an Devil Fruits
Roronoa Zoro

Skilled swordsman aiming to be the best swordsman in the world, known for fighting with three swords

Navigator for Straw Hat Pirates

Sharps shooter and frequent liar of his achievements, aims to be a pirate as his father

The chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, looking for All Blue
Other Pirates

Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, served as an apprentice onboard of Roger's ship together with Buggy
Dracule Mihawk

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and is known as the Strongest Swordsman in the World

Captain of the Buggy Pirates and former apprentice on Roger's ship with Shank

Head chef and owner of Baratie. Previously captain of the Cook Pirates, where he was know as Red-Leg

Training under Vice Admiral Garp, together with Helmeppo. Defected from Alvida Pirates

Training under Vice Admiral Garp, together with Koby. Son of Captain Morgan
Captain Morgan

Also known as "Axe-Hand" Morgan is former Marin Captain, until he was beaten by Luffy and the Marin discovered his corruption. Father of Helmeppo
He has a steel jaw with Möwe engraved, which is German for seagull