Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous: Final season Review

Fifth and final season of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous is out and what an ending
After five season with the gang; Darius, Ben, Yaz, Brooklyn, Kenji and Sammy. It's nice to see them back again, even if it's for the last time
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We meet back with the kids, roughly where the previous season ended. They soon meet up with Kenji's dad on the island, who promise to bring them back home and they finds out Kenji's dad is in charge of the second island
He have invested a lot of his personal money into the dinosaur fighting project and will have prospective buyers arriving soon. As the gang finds out, they try to sabotage his work. While Kenji believes his father is doing what he thinks is best for the dinosaurs and take his side, to win his approval
Kenji's father learns about the study done to communicate with dinosaurs and plan to use the technology to control the dinosaurs as puppets. But first he needs to go the main island to collect the dinosaur samples for Biosyn, while Biosyn CEO Dodgson accompany them
Season 5 bring back the dinosaurs and tone down the BRADS (robots), while at the sametime tying into the story of Jurassic World Dominion and other Jurassic Park/World events
Will the kids make it back home? Will the love interests have happy endings? Is Kenji's father a good guy or a bad guy? All these questions and more will finally be answered in this last seasons
The fifth season have gone back to its earlier seasons roots. Having an nice balance between adventure, survival, dinosaurs and dramaI must admit season four was not a favorite and a lot had to do with the disconnection thats season had with dinosaur. Instead focusing lot of its season on BRADS (robots), that all looked exactly the same and didn't feel belonged (to that extend at least) in this franchise
They fixed many of those issues in season 5, by greatly reducing screen time of the BRADS, introducing a final season villain and giving the dinosaurs the screen time they deserve
Seasons five is among the better season and worthy ending to the series
Our verdict: Check it out!