Doing light laundry while traveling

We all been there, traveling and have slight laundry that needs cleaning
Doing light laundry while traveling

Light laundry

When traveling, you don't always have easy access to a washing machine and might feel you have to little to go to a laundroma / dry cleaning

Luckily it's fairly easily to clean clothes, that's mostly dusty / sweaty. All you need is a sink / bucket and slight detergent

Mix water and detergent


Close the drain and fill sink (bathtub) with enough water to cover the clothes, add slight detergent (powder and liquid)

If sink offer hot water, remember not all clothes can handle super warm water

Leave to soak


Add clothes to water and let them soak for a little while



Once clothes are done, drain sink and rinse clothes. Slight twisting them, to ensure all water comes out

Hang to dry


Now find a place to hang the clothes. Some hotels have heated towel racks, which are perfect to speed up things

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