Cleaning teddy bears in washing machine

Cleaning teddy bears in washing machine

Let's take a look on how to clean teddy bears in washing machine

Once in a while teddy bears need cleaning, even if they don't look dirty. If you have kids playing with the Teddy Bears and they're not just on display, cleaning is even more important. As lots of dust can build up on Teddy Bears over time

Can my Teddy Bear be washed?

All Teddy Bears can be washed, but not all should go into the washing machine

Traditional Teddy Bears are normally made of material that's safe to wash in the washing machine and decent brand will also have tag, with washing instructions

If your Teddy Bear can't go into the washing machine, Steam Cleaning might be an option

Before you wash

Some Teddy Bears might have eyes made out of plastic / glass, which can easily scratch in the wash or might have a lot of things, that can be get stuck. For these we recommend Laundry Net


Laundry net will not protect the eyes 100%, but it will reduce the damage it takes. If you're really afraid to damage the eyes, you might have to re-consider washing machine for those Teddy Bears


Now that you've sorted out the Teddy Bears you can wash in the washing machine and protected the ones that can easily be damaged, it's time to load the washing machine and we recommend not filling it up more than about 60%. Just as other washes, we recommend not mixing strong colors and especially if the Teddy Bear have never been washed before


Now you want to pick a delicate program, wash at 30°C and put spin to low (we used 800). To avoid the Teddy Bears stuffing from lumping, we recommend adding some Dryer Balls or tennis balls. Then add detergent and slight fabric softer (optional)


When the washing machine is done, it's time to dry. Not all Teddy Bears can handle dryer, so we recommend air drying them if you can


Just make sure they are completely dry, before you remove them or you might risk mold building up inside

Tags: #TeddyBear #WashingMachine

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