How to read expiry dates for Dr Pepper Snapple Group drinks

The bottlers behind Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the US have made it hard for consumer to read expiry date
How to read expiry dates for Dr Pepper Snapple Group drinks

Use our Expiry date Calculator

We have rolled out an easy to use calculator, to calculate the shelf life of your Dr Pepper Snapple Group drinks


All you need to enter is the code found on your drink (example; D1106HX) and type of drink (such as; Glass, bottle, zero or diet)

Check out the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Expiration Date Calculator here

Where's the expiry date?

There's no expiry date on the product itself, but you'll find an manufacturing date and if you've an manufacturing date that looks like this D1106HX, it's not exactly straight forward on how to read it and there's no information on the product either on how to read it

The process is the same for all drinks bottled by Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the United State, using this format. Just remember shelf life can vary by product type / brand

Converting to date

As you can see on the picture above and text below, the breakdown of the meaning

First letter = Month (A = January, B = February, C = March, D = April, E = May, F = June, G = July, H = August, J = September, K = October, L = November and M = December) First digit = Year (last digit of year), meaning 1 indicates year's ending on 1. Such as; 2001 / 2011 / 2021 (in our case) / 2031 Next three digits = Day of year (106 = April 18th) Last two letters = Bottler (factory where it was produced)

D1106 translate to manufacturing date 18-APR-2021, while HX is the factory (bottler) where it was produced

Shelf life

Now we've finally gotten the manufacturing date, but when does it expire? For this we need to check the website of the product, to get shelf life

Dr. Pepper shelf life

Glass & Cans with Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup Sweetener: 9 months or 39 weeks Bottles with Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup Sweetener: 4 months or 16 weeks Zero Sugar: 4 months or 16 weeks Diet: 3 months or 13 weeks

Shelf life was found in the FAQ section of Dr. Pepper's website (no longer listed there)

Snapples shelf life

Snapples operate with 6 and 12 month shelf life, but we haven't found exact shelf life per product type

Expiry Date

Now we've gotten the manufacturing date of 18-APR-2021 and as this is a Dr. Pepper Zero product, it has a shelf life of four months. That means expiry date will be 18-AUG-2021


Stores will use a similar chart as seen above, when they refill and remove products from the shelf. If current month is September, then for 4 months shelf life, they'll remove removed product that starts with letter D (Manufactured in April)


Below the manufacturing date, you might see something like this L40217. L4 indicate which shift made it (shift four in this case) and the remaining digits is time in 24:00hr clock format. In this case time was 02:17am

If there's only one shift making Dr. Pepper. There won't be any shift listed, only the time when it was made. Meaning this batch of Dr. Pepper was made 18-APR-2021 02:17am by shift four

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