How do you expect us to read this Dr. Pepper?

Sometimes manufactures makes it unecassary difficult to read expiry dates
How do you expect us to read this Dr. Pepper?

Dr. Pepper must be my favorite soda, but depending where it was produced. It can be all from super clear, to near impossible to read the expiry date

What is D1106HX?

After some research, I found out that's the manufacturing date and from that, we can lookup shelf life for specific products


As this wasn't exactly straight forward, I created this guide on how to read it and Dr. Pepper Snapple-Group Expiration Date Calculator

I know you can do better!

I have this small can of Dr. Pepper, also produced in USA and here you can easily read the expiry date DEC0621, which is format MMM-DD-YY


I don't understand why all your products isn't clearly labelled like this

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