Cake + Toothpick = Why?

Cake + Toothpick = Why?

If you're baking, especially cakes. You might know this already, but let's take a look on how to use a toothpick to check if the cake is ready

So you're baking a cake. It looks ready, but you aren't fully sure if it's completely done inside and you don't want to start cutting it apart

Toothpick to the rescue

That's where the toothpick comes in. Grab a wood toothpick and pull out the cake slight from the oven or fully, if you don't feel safe doing it in the oven

Does the cake stick?

Now you take the toothpick and push it as far as it goes into the cake and gently pulls it out

If no cake sticks to the toothpick, it's ready inside. If cake sticks, it will need more time

Here the cake stuck slightly, so I gave it a couple of more minutes

I normally start by checking in the center of the cake, as that's normally the area last to finish. You can of course check more spots, to make sure it's all over done

Tags: #Baking

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