Upgrade your frozen pizza

Frozen pizza, especially if you eat the same kind a lot, can become a bit boating. Let's see how we can make it more interesting
Upgrade your frozen pizza

If you're like me, you always like to have frozen pizza in the freezer. Not always you feel like spending hours in the kitchen or even have the option to

When you've eaten the same frozen pizza x-amount of times. It can become a bit boring, but there are an solution



Solution is toppings and here's really no limitations, it mostly comes down to taste

I always have a bottle of BBQ-sauce in the fridge and it's awesome on pizza. I used to live in Ireland and when I ordered pizza online, I had option to fully customize the pizza I ordered. I always used to swap the tomato sauce, with BBQ-sauce

In addition to the sauce, I sometimes like to add a bit more. Today I added spam and pineapple

Common toppings I'd like to add, beyond the ones already mentioned are; corn, bell peppers and meats (hot dog pieces, sausages and other meat cuts). If I add meat, it either need to be decent thin pieces or pre-cooked


Cook and enjoy

Now it's just cook it to your liking, let it cool and then enjoy it

Some toppings are better added after cooking, such as spices, salad and sauces. Salad on top of pizza is actually really good. I always found it to look weird, but it taste very good

I like my pizza more crisp (or as my mother says, burned) and burned pizza doesn't look as nice on photos (even if they taste delicious and you're welcome to disagree), so I cooked the pizza above a bit more. But again, cook it to your preference

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