You can now select parents in CSS with :has

CSS have released a powerful new tool, that gives you lot of new options
You can now select parents in CSS with :has

Traditionally in CSS, you could only select child items. That have all changed with the :has selection and you can now select parents as well


Traditionally you had to find the child item or item directly and then do something

article form input: do something

So if you wanted to only do something on article pages, you had to often write a bit of code to ensure it was done correctly

form:has(article) input: do something

Now with :has, you can check if example article exist and if so, do something

Next level

With the use of :has, you can even affect other areas than where you are located

.content_layout:has(.article-card:hover) .article-card:not(:hover) { filter: brightness(80%); }

Above snippet checks if anyone is hovering .article-card under .content_layout. If true, it will find .article-card's that are not being hovered and lower brightness on them


An example from our homepage, where we use this exact feature. We dim slight the articles that are not hovered, to better highlight where you are

When :has is not supported

If :has is not supported, the code will not be executed as the browser will not be able to check it

#mainContent:has(#frontpage,#article) { padding-top: 40px; }

We use :has on for top padding on mobile devices, to make our logo slight overlap the top image on the frontpage and in articles. All other pages it will just stay on top, without overlapping


If the browser do not support :has, the top padding will not be adjusted and there will be spacing between the logon and text. So here we recommend designing with focus first if it's not supported and then add :has on top and then do something. Especially if you plan to support older browsers

Supported browser

:has is a fairly new release, but it's getting quick traction and most major browser already support it, in their latest stable release

BrowserSupported from version
FirefoxNot Supported
IENot Supported
Chrome for Android107
Safari on iOS16.1
Samsung InternetNot Supported

Check out Can I Use [↗] for up-to-date browser support

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