Mr Silverhand himself have never played Cyberpunk 2077

In an interview with the Verge, in relation to the new Matrix movie and Unreal Engine. Keanu Reeves got asked if he ever plays video games, where he replies a firm No
The interviewer followed-up to ask if he ever played Cyberpunk 2077, where Keanu replies "No, I mean I have seen demonstrations of it, but never played it"
Which is in stark contrast to what CD PROJEKT CEO Adam Kiciński said during Q3 2020 Earnings Call. The next question from [indiscernible], has Keanu Reeves played the game? "Yes. Yes. He played the game. But as far as I know haven't finished yet. So -- but definitely, he played the game and he loves it." Transcript provided by SeekingAlpha [↗]
Go to 16.45 to see Keanu talk about not playing games