ShopBack now offers vouchers with (not) instantly cashback

A welcomed new addition to ShopBack, is the option to purchase vouchers with (not) instantly cashback
Right now there are only three stores available; foodpanda, Grab and Zalora. Where you'll currently get between 5% and 8% cashback, depending on what store you pick
Purchasing vouchers
You can buy the voucher straight from the ShopBack-app, just select the store and amount you wantfoodpanda and Grab have available vouchers amounts: P100, P200, P300, P400, P500 and P1000
While Zalora have available vouchers amounts: P1000, P2000 and P3000
For payment, you can choose if you want to pay using your cashback balance or pay it all with card. If you choose to use your cashback balance and you don't have enough, you can pay any outstanding amount with card. If you have enough balance, you can use your cashback balance without enrolling any card
Remember that this is a one time use voucher and you need to redeem it in one go. I recommend checking first how much your transaction is, before buying a voucher. You can only use one voucher on checkout (at least for foodpanda and Grab), so keep that in mind
Administering purchased vouchers
In the ShopBack-app, you'll find a tab in the bottom called Purchases. Here you'll find all your purchased vouchersOn top there's a toggle, which is default set to Show available only. So any vouchers you've marked as used, will be hidden, unless you toggle this off
Here you can click on any voucher to see voucher code, terms or mark as used. Vouchers are valid 3 months (for foodpanda at least)
After you've marked an vouchers as used, you can't undo it. But you can still find old vouchers and check the vouchers code
Here's the only thing that doesn't work as advertised. ShopBack advertise with instant cashback, I've now used the service multiple times and each time it takes about 1 1/2 week before I receive the cashback. It's not too long waiting time, but it's definitely not instant as advertisedCashback percentage normally changes for stores once in a while and same is most likely true for vouchers as well. Considering we can see on the promotion image that they say 3% cashback for Zalora, while the actual cashback is 8% (as of writing)
You will also receive cashback as normal on any purchases made in the shop, but I'm not certain the cashback will be based on the entire amount or only the amount paid outside of the voucher. As it can take up to 75 days for cashback to be redeemable, this I won't know for sure before next year
Using the voucher
The vouchers can be used as any other vouchers in the shop you bought the voucher for. At the checkout page, there will be a place to enter the voucher code. Then the voucher value will be deducted from total and you just checkout and pay any remaining amount (if any)Just remember that shops normally only allow the use of one voucher at a time, so if might be smart to check if there's any good voucher promotion going on before getting the ShopBack vouchers, as they can't be combined with other vouchers
It's a welcomed addition to the ShopBack service, that one now can buy vouchers. The store selection is still very slim, with only three stores at launch. If enough people take part of this offer, this will probably expand going forwardIf you haven't used Shopback before and want to know more, we've before done a review of it in article ShopBack: Does it work or is it scam?. We also have this referral offer, where you'll get P100 cashback, after spending P300 [↗] (offer is valid in Philippines, we can't guarantee availability in other countries)