Gift advices for the holidays

Gift advices for the holidays

It's holiday season and time when many exchange gifts

We've entered the holiday season and you might have already started looking for gift for the special people in your life

We have tested a wide range of products this year and here are some of our recommendations

8BitDo Controllers

8BITDO produces some of the best controllers on the market today, competing with first party controllers


For years now, the 8BITDO have been my go to controller. When playing on the Nintendo Switch

If you're looking for a gift your loved ones will be happy for this holiday season and they love to play games, an 8BitDo controller might be what you're looking for


There's so many good deepfried dies out there, but all that oil isn't the best for you


With an Airfryer. You can get the deep fried taste, with the use of little to none oil. Grease from the meat will also drip of the meat

Electric Grill

If you're like me, you love grilled food. But might not been able to grill, because of the world situation (or because of the weather)


That's were an electric grill comes in. With it you can grill inside without issues, especially if it's labeled as smoke less


Holiday season is a great time for bonding and board games is a great way to do it


These days you can find Monopoly in all different kind of themese. All from the classic to your favorite franchise

Water purifier

If you live in a part of the world, where tap water isn't safe to consume. A water purifier might be the thing for you


No more need to have to go outside to get water or remember to order delivery of it. You can just filter the water at home and have it almost instantly ready

Tags: #8BITDO #GiftAdvice

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