PlayStation 4 cemos issue get fixed

PlayStation 4 cemos issue get fixed

With the latest PS4 update, you can still play your games if the CEMOS battery dies

Earlier this year, an issue was reported regarding the CEMOS battery in PlayStation 4

If the battery dies and even if you change the battery. You won't be able to play neither digital or physical games on your PlayStation 4, until you connect it to the internet, so it can sync the time with the PlayStation servers

That's fine and all today, while the servers are still running. Down the line, when they're not running anymore and it was just a few months ago Sony planned to shutdown the PlayStation 3 servers. Means when the CEMOS battery dies, your PlayStation 4 becomes useless

That was at least true until update 9.00 that just released

In the latest update Sony fixed the issue. If you apply the update, you can play even if the CEMOS battery is broken or empty

Tags: #Playstation4 #Playstation

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