How to unsubscribe from pandapro

Unsubscribing from pandapro is fairly straight forward
How to unsubscribe from pandapro

It can be many reasons why one would like to unsubscribe. Not using it enough, to expensive, want to change renewal frequency (as of writing, only way to change between 1/6/12 month renewal is to cancel, let it expire and re-subscribe) or any other reason you might have

Note that this can be done at any time and subscription time you've already paid for, will still work until expired

Subscription management

If you want to unsubscribe from pandapro, you just open you foodpanda-app


Expand the menu and click on Subscription

Scroll to the bottom of the Subscription page and you'll find I would like to unsubscribe. Click on it


Now foodpanda will verify if you want to unsubscribe or stay pro


Click Unsubscribe and your renewal is automatically cancelled. Your pandapro benefits will still be valid for the period you've already paid for

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