Cowboy Bebop: Quick Review

Cowboy Bebop: Quick Review

I just rewatch the original Cowboy Bebop anime, how does it hold up?

Cowboy Bebop came out over 20 years ago, back in 1998 it had its release in Japan

Tomorrow the live action version of Cowboy Bebop releases on Netflix and in preparation, we've re-watch the original anime and does it still hold up?

Spoiler warning! By continuing reading, you might encounter spoilers

Space Cowboys

In Cowboy Bebop, you travel the galaxy on the spaceship Bebop. Chasing bounties to make a living


On board Bebop, you find a crew of five; Jet Black, Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Edward and Ein

Each with their own backstory, that will slowly unravel on how they got to be where they are today

The show is much deeper, than just catching bad guys. It also deals with overcoming one's own past and moving forward


The show ran for 26 episodes (sessions) and concluded there, as planned by the creator. The creator didn't want the show to go on and on, as Star Trek was doing at the time

Last few episodes nicely concludes every crew members story, even if it might not be the ending you were hoping for

Did it hold up?

Yes, without a doubt the series holds up

If you never watch the series before or if you have found memories of it from when it first came out. I have no problems recommending it

The art style is gorgeous and doesn't feel dated at all. Yes the show is in letter box format, but you'll quickly look past that, because you'll be fully consumes by the events unfolding

Tags: #CowboyBebop

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