Lookback: Japan (2012): Kyoto, Okayama and Hiroshima

Last few weeks we have lookback on my Backpacking (2012) travels and we've now arrived in Kyoto, Japan
Lookback series
As most of us still have heavy restrictions when it comes to travel. I'll do a lookback series on Sundays, to different destinations. These can be all from countries to storesAs many of the photos are around 10 years old, they might not be as high resolution and level of quality we try to stay at today
Checkout #lookback and #backpacking2012 for other articles in this series
A few day`s have now gone to some of the many shrines, temple`s and other sightseeing spots in KyotoYou have to put a few days to see everything in Kyoto, since there are quite a few spots to visit. Unfortunately I can`t say that I have seen them all, but those I have seen I wouldn`t mind seeing again
After some lovely day`s in Kyoto I grabbed an bus to Okayama, where I`m currently atToday I have visited Okayama Castle (also called `Crow Castle` because of the black appearance of it`s weatherboarding)
Afterwards visiting Korakuen Garden, which was truly an beautiful sight for the eye
After enjoying some time in Okayama and it`s surroundings my trip continued down Japan to Hiroshima. Where time have stranded still since the atomic bomb fell on August 6, 1945. At least for the A-Bomb Dome, that looks exactly the same it did after the bomb struck in 1945. It was a big discussion a few year back to keep it or destroy it like many other of the remanences of the atomic bombThe people of Hiroshima, around Japan, and even around the world started a found raising to preserve the A-Bomb Dome as a symbol of peace, and that atomic bombs must never, NEVER be used again for warfare! Of course some of the people of Hiroshima wanted it destroyed because it reminded them of horrible memories of the past, which is truly understandable
Today Hiroshima is a lovely modern city, but with a strong symbol of peace roaming all over the city. Which gives this town a very special feeling, but even if they have gone through a horrible past they live on today to the fullest. On the picture to the left you can see some Children playing and from what I understand the guy up with the three is leading it some how
Deer Island
Day trip out to Momijidani (or Deer Island as I call it), which is a small island just out of the coast of Hiroshima. Which is just 10 min with ferry (after an 45 min tram ride to the ferry stop)Out on the island you have a beautiful shrine, Itsukushima Shrine on the water where the ocean water just flows below, at least when the tide is right. And haves a torii out on the water that`s supposed to look like it just float on the water, when I saw it was hard to really tell what it even was since it was covered up for maintenance, which seems to be the case of many places I have visited in Japan so far
Itsukushima Shrine
Either way, you are probably still wondering why I call it deer island, if you haven guessed it already. There are deer everywhere, they even had a warning on the map I got for the Island saying something like this: “The deer is wild, be careful of your belonging`s they may eat paper and souvenirs”. I did see them eating an map/brochure and some tourist had to snap it out of the mouth of the deer. The deer is really tame, and you`ll be able to pet them if you want to.Back in Tokyo
Now I have spent a few day in Tokyo. After reviewing my budget I found out that my planed stay in Japan would cause me to run a bit short on money, so I`ve revised my travel plan and will be leaving for Malaysia tomorrow nightIt kinda sucks to leave Japan already, but it`s going to be nice to get back to the heat, beaches and sun. Of course after spending tomorrow out shopping (they have so much cool stuff down here you won`t believe before you see it for yourself, a picture wont work)
While in Tokyo I have visited some new areas, temple/shrines, seen a dolphin show (which was awesome), made some new friends where I`m currently staying. They just moved into their new place only a few days ago, so there are boxes and stuff everywhere as there normally is when you move
Next Sunday we'll travel to Malaysia