bonty is finally listed on

After a long time of applying, is finally on Bing
bonty is finally listed on

Getting listed on Bing

A few months after the site launched, we'd already been listed on Google for a while. Which also was the most important search engine for us to be listed on, because of the popularity and reach they have

Secondly, we aimed to be listed on the other search engines and after some digging, many of those collaborate with Bing. So we logged onto the webmaster portal for Bing and submitted our site

After a bit of waiting, we got our result... DECLINED. We reviewed Bings documentation and feedback of the our site. Made adjustments and resubmitted. After waiting some more, they told us DECLINED

After back and for a few times, we reaches out to Microsoft's Bing support and we were told to read the documentation. So not much help...


Then suddenly the other day we see in our visitor logs, that they're coming from bing...

We check our webmaster page at bing and can see multiple pages of our website is indexed. Meaning if you search on bing, we'll appear in the results

Why does bing matter?

For us, as a small site and without a big marketing budget. The more search engines we are listed on, the more people we can reach

Yes, most people are using Google, but Microsoft have been really aggressive with integrating Bing in Windows, through Edge and Windows search. Many people just use default settings, making Bing important enough to still be listed on

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