Happy New Year

Can you believe we are already in a new year? We would like to thank you for a wonder full 2022 and look forward seeing your through 2023
Before we look into our plans for 2023, let's take a look back at the year that past
What people read in 2022
Through 2022 we've published at least two new articles a week and reviewing our most popular articles. We see eScooters, guides and reviews are what get's the most views. Which is great, as it's all subjects we love to write about and plan to write more aboutAll time most popular articles
#1 How to read expiry dates for Dr Pepper Snapple Group drinks #2 Replace rear wheel Mi Electric Scooter (3 / Pro 2 / 1S / Essential) #3 Replace rear tire Mi Electric Scooter (all models) #4 PandaPro: Good deal or waste of money? #5 BPI: Changing account name in BPI Online and BPI MobileOur most popular new articles from 2022
#1 BPI: Changing account name in BPI Online and BPI Mobile #2 Replace front wheel Mi Electric Scooter (all models) #3 Shopee: Account Limited #4 Replace front tire Mi Electric Scooter (all models) #5 St. Joseph Water PH: How to pay your water bill using EMARAGrowth
For most of 2022, we had a wonderful growth month by month. We did unfortunately see quite a big dip in October and from there have slowly been growing back upMany of our most read articles, are around eScooter and this is more a summer topic, so some dip was expected when winter season started arriving around the world. This is also the first full year we have proper tracking on views and all in all, it's been a good year
We are also growing in what countries we get visitors from, which is great to see
2023 plans
For 2023, we plan to continue our current publishing schedule on Wednesdays and Saturdays. With occasional destination articles on Sundays, through out the yearWe also have more plans for site improvements, with many of them in active development and scheduled to be rolled out during 2023. One feature is for you to easily be able to rate if you liked or disliked an article, so we can better know what our reads like and don't like. Just because an article is very popular, doesn't mean it can't be improved
Thanks again for visiting and checking out our articles
Happy New Year