Happy New Year

Welcome to 2022
Happy New Year

Then we are in 2022, Happy New Year, let's take a look back on the year that past and what's to come

Launch and growth

We launched this site back in April of 2021, since then the site have been steadily growing and adapting


Our visitors are growing day by day. This graph show how we have steadily grown in visitors since 3rd of April until 29 December. The high spike around May was before we disabled statistic from site staff. From June onwards, is a more realistic picture on our visitors growth


Today we have visitors from all over the world and every inhabited continent. We'd love someday to also have visitors from Antarctica, but as there's no permanent residences there. Mostly just researchers and nature documentary crews, we doubt that will happen any time soon

Our most popular articles from 2021

Our top three articles are so far ahead of thee other articles, it's not even a competition

#1 Replace rear wheel Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 #2 Replace tire Mi Electric Scooter M365 / Pro / Pro 2 #3 Deerma VC20 vacuum: 10 months later

Reviewing our most popular articles. We see eScooters, guides and reviews are what get's the most views. Which is great, as it's all subjects we love to write about and have many plans for in 2022

Plans going forward

We will continue our update schedule of Wednesday and Saturday for a non-news article. Then Sundays we'll have destination articles, but it won't be every Sunday

For the keen eyed, you might have noticed there haven't been any news articles the last week and that's because we have put them on hiatus. We might do a news article here and there, but not on a regular basis

After reviewing what our visitors (you in other words) read. We have notice that there is little to none readers on our news articles, compared to our other articles and our other articles is what was our main focus is

We are moving our focus to what we want to do and that's write good articles, not just covering news. This means we'll (hopefully) have more time to our other articles, but it also means there won't be new content added daily anymore (for now, at least)

274 days in row, new personal best

That means our daily update streak, will end after the article on 2nd of January. Putting us on 274 days of daily articles, a record we hope to beat in the near future


We released earlier in the week an overview of free games on the front page. Where you can easily find games (to begin with), that are free for a limited time. We won't be listing freeware and titles that are always free


This is replacing the free games articles we have been doing, which we felt was overkill in many cases and also was drowning other stories, we felt was more important

We sometimes publish affiliate links and these always needs to follow our editorial policy, for more information check out our affiliate link policy

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