Happy holidays and Merry Christmas

We hope you have a wonderful holiday, no matter what you're celebrating
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas

I have friends from many different cultures and religions. Many not celebrating Christmas as I do, but many celebrating the holidays non the less

What is Christmas to me?

Growing up, I personally never really celebrated Christmas as a religious holiday. Yes, there's definitely religious themes through Christmas, but to me it was always an holiday season with nice decorations, snow, gifts, Christmas tree, calendar with daily gifts counting down to Christmas and most importantly, the important people in your life

Today is 24th of December and today is the main day of Christmas for me. Traditionally today is when we have all family and close friends over for Christmas lunch. Then in the evening, the entire family would gather around the Christmas tree, get a visit from Santa and open gifts

Now as an adult, I continue to pass many of the traditions of Christmas to my children. But I don't put much weight on the religious aspects, the focus is family and having a good time

I've also toned down the gifts on the 24th and moved that more into the calendar. So kids get all from a lolipop to new shoes, during the calendar period. So now you have nearly a month (24 days), where we come together and open gifts. Instead of having one day, where it almost becomes a chores opening everything

Happy holidays

To all, from us here at bonty. We wish you happy holidays, no matter what religion and what you're celebrating this holiday season

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