Minecraft gives black screen on Nintendo Switch is fixed

Mojang have had bug MCPE-62708 [↗] ongoing for the black screen Minecraft gives on Nintendo Switch since 04th February 2020. It is now resolved just a few days ago, but not by Mojang. Switch Firmware 13.0 fixed the issue for users
What was causing the issue?
From the findings, the problem is related to individual save data, for user profiles that are used heavily in MinecraftBlack screen is shown while the game tries to load the save date. Some users can still launch the game, if they wait for a while. Where other it will just stay on a black screen until it crashes. Prior to Nintendo Switch Firmware 13.0
Exactly what fixed the issue in the new Switch update, is not known
No more need for workaround
My kids loves Minecraft and often play together on the same profile, so they can build together in the same world. So their save date quickly become huge, so we've experienced the black screen multiple timesOnly solution we've found prior the firmware update, that resolved the issue of when the game only showed a black screen and refuse to load. Was to Delete local save data from Nintendo Switch, for the user profile who have the issue in Minecraft
Our original black screen article, is the one of our top read articles week after week. So it's clearly been many people facing this issue
If you still have issues, ensure your Nintendo Switch get updated to the latest version and comment below should you still have issues