Peak on what Duke Nukem Begins could have looked like

In 2008 Gearbox hired Janimation to create an slice (animated version) of how Duke Nukem Begins would look like and Gregor Punchatz have now shared this slice
Peak on what Duke Nukem Begins could have looked like

Duke Nukem Begins (Duke Begins) was supposed to be a 3D-person game, showing the beginning of Duke Nukem. Because of legal rights dispute, the game was cancelled in 2009

In 2008, when I was working for the good folks at Janimation in Dallas Tx, we were hired by Gearbox to create a vertical slice (an animated version of what the game will look like) for the game "Duke Nukem Begins", a Duke origin story.
I headed up this project, as the director at Janimation, and did a lot of the character development, including the design and modeling of Duke. We poured everything we had into making the most awesome cinematic Janimation had ever created. But unfortunately, we got word the game was canceled due to the legal issues with Duke Nukem at the time.
"Duke Nukem Begins" was never made.
It crushed us, as this was what we thought could help us compete with bigger players in the game trailer market at the time.
Because it is still a piece I am damn proud of, I am releasing it 13 years after its creation. The whole team that worked with me deserves to see this released into the wild.
I hope this somehow resurrects this version of the game by showing the world how awesome it would have been...
Gregor Punchatz

Update: Gearbox have submitted a copyright strike against the YouTube video [↗], so we have removed the embedding

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