PlayStation 5 Dev kit got listed and quickly taken down
Listing for PS5 Development Kit DFI-D1000AA was up for a few hours and got some bid. Before it suddenly just vanished

Published: 15 Aug 2021
Zuby Tech reports on twitter [↗] about an eBay listing of PS5 Development Kit DFI-D1000AA
The listing managed to be up a few hours on August 4th, it was up to it's 12th bid and a price of 2850 EUR, before being taken down. There was also a Playstation 5 DFI-T1000AA test kit
The testing kit, is closer to what is being the final release and is used to test the games for market. While the Development kit is a lot stronger, as it's being used for development and debugging. The Development kit also have the more distinct V-shape
Tomorrow you can take a look at the patent for the PlayStation 5 Dev kit
PS5 Development Kit DFI-D1000AA
I personally really like the look of the PlayStation 5 Development kit and wouldn't mind if they released a special edition with a similar designWe sometimes publish affiliate links and these always needs to follow our editorial policy, for more information check out our affiliate link policy