Amazon's New World is killing Nvidia RTX 3090

New World from Amazon's game devision New World Studio have been destroying Nvidia RTX 3090
Based on the findings, it seems the issue is only with EVGA produced Nvidia RTX 3090. Which sounds more likely, than it's the game destroying the cards
Game is just pushing the card hard, but overheating / throttling features on the card should kick in to prevent damage and it doesn't seem it does on the EVGA model
New World have put in a few limitations on the game, to prevent this from destroying these cards. If you've had issues with your card being damaged / destroyed, then you need to reached out to EVGA Support
New World team informs they have been informed by EVGA that if any users have had this issue with their EVGA GPU. To please contact EVGA support at: - 888-880-3842 (USA) - [email protected]