Ratchet and Clank joins Fall Guys

For a limited time Ratchet and Clank will join the Fall Guys on PlayStation
Ratchet and Clank joins Fall Guys

Earlier this week Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Season 5 started and in this celebration, Ratchet and Clank will join with a few limited timed events [↗] on PlayStation and first event starts July 26th

Ratchet Limited Time Event

Between July 26th and August 1st, the Ratchet Limited Time Event will be held and you'll have a chance to unlock below prizes

> Ratchet Banner: 300 points > Ratchet Colour: 600 points > Lombax Pattern: 800 points > Ratchet Costume (Lower): 1400 points > Ratchet Costume (Upper): 1600 points > Groovitron Emote: 2000 points

Clank Limited Time Event

Between August 6th to 15th, Clank Limited Time Event will be held and below available prices will be available

> Clank Banner: 300 points > Clank Colour: 600 points > Clank Pattern: 800 points > Clank Costume (Lower): 1400 points > Clank Costume (Upper): 1600 points > Clank’s Laugh Emote: 2000 points

For those who complete both events, they'll obtain a special banner featuring Rivet

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