Security Service of Ukraine thought they seized illegal crypto mining

The thought illegal crypto mining in Ukraine, seems to be gaming related
Security Service of Ukraine thought they seized illegal crypto mining

The seizure done by Security Service of Ukraine on illegal crypto mining [↗] as initially thought, now doesn't seem to be crypto that was being mined at all

There had been excessive use of electricity in an area of Ukraine, but no households seemed to be the ones consuming the electricity and Security Service of Ukraine started investigating and documenting their findings. They traced where the electricity was being consumed and found out a building was connected illegality to the power grid and they estimate it could be consuming about 5 to 7 million UAH (About 184.000 to 258.000 USD) worth of electricity a month



Security Service of Ukraine reported they seized 3800 consoled and as you can see from the picture, these are PlayStations 4 slims and it doesn't make sense to mine crypt currency on these. [↗] did some further digging and it appears they were mining FUT-coins, an in-game currency for FIFA Ultimate Team. Where they then would sell the profiles with the FUT-coins further

They also seized more than 500 video cards, 50 processors, draft documentation on electricity consumption accounting, notebooks, phones and flash drives. Which more sound like equipment used for crypto mining, but at the time of the seizure by the Security Service of Ukraine, it seems FUT-Coins was the only thing being mined

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