Astro’s Playroom studio is expanding
After many shutdowns within PlayStation Studios, we finally hear some bright news as well

Published: 11 Jun 2021
Team Asobi, the team behind Astro’s Playroom for PlayStation 5 is becoming an official internal studio PlayStation
They started in 2012, shortly before the launch of PS4, with focus on tech demos. Where they've released built-in launch titles for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, with The Playroom and Astor's Playroom respectedly
The Playroom would be our introduction to Astro, which would later be part of the Astro Bot series. The Astro Bot series have had focus on showing the capabilites of the new system, such as showing of how the controller and VR works
To celebrate the launch, they've designed a logo for the new studio, as seen above
"In Japanese language, the word “Asobu” literally means “To Play” and so we settled on “Asobi “. Those simple five letters were a surprisingly fitting name with a good sound to it and it stuck!" said Nicolas Doucet, Studio Director and Creative Director, Team Asobi
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