60FPS and continue after stars in this classic game

Super Mario 64 is a classic and I don't count on how many hours I've put down into it. During the DS days, Nintendo did an upgraded / extended version called Super Mario 64 DS, where they added a few more levels and characters. But as the screen is smaller than a TV screen, its not exactly better graphics. Especially if you move it to the big screen
Super Mario 3D All-Stars was released in 2020 for Nintendo Switch and discontinued March 31st 2021 (you can still find copies in stores). This did upgrade texture slight, by improving the source images for some of the textures. But it still retained the same aspect ration as the original
If you want a more vanilla Super Mario 64, but you want higher frame rate and other modern improvements. That's more where Super Mario 64 Plus comes in
You'll get the same original game you all love, but with improvements such as; 60 FPS, ability to continue the game after collecting a star, more responsive controllers and more
Source: mfgg.net