I wish I had milk cartoon with chocolate and strawberry flavour

It's super easy to prepare some of your favourite drinks yourself, for easy consumption later
All you need is a pack of milk and your favourite flavour. Using strawberry this time, then get a funnel and pour it into the milk cartridge. I normally use 6-8 table spoons for 1L milk, but this comes down to preference and what brands you're using
If you don't have funnel, you can do as I did and roll a piece of napkin (paper works too) into a cone and leave a small opening in the bottom
When that's done, put back the lid and shake well. I normally manage to spill slight powder, so I go to the sink to wipe it off before shaking
Pour a glass and enjoy. You now have 1L flavoured milk, ready to enjoy now or later. I find these perfect to make for a meal and kids love it. So much easier than keep making kids cups, now they can pour themselves and you can focus to enjoy your time with your company
I know this is slight more work than just buying it premade at the store. But I see three great benefits of doing it this way
1) You've regular milk ready and just mix when you want flavour milk 2) You can pick the milk type you prefer and the flavour you prefer. I often like brand A's regular milk, but not the flavour they add to the milk 3) You can blend it how strong / weak you like. I often find the preblended to be to strongly mixed and end up adding milk myself