Press Start to begin a new journey

Welcome to bonty and glad to see you'll be joining us on our journey
As you probably guessed by the picture and the flavour of the text so far. This will be a site with focus on gaming and gadgets, but it will also center around home life
I want this to be a place that's family focused, where we'll review and talk about what's important to us, but at the same time we believe it would be interesting for you to learn about
We aim to open up the site for everyone to contribute with stories, but this is a future milestone. Today we start with a soft launch of the site and will gradually build and expand upon the foundation
We want this to be a more personal site, where we both have a more objective view of what we write about and at the same time, provide our personal opinions. Our voices are not for sale, meaning our words reflect what we truly mean. This doesn't mean we won't do partnership or sponsored content, but the opinions will always be the one of the author
We are considering allowing for advertisement stories in the future, but if this will happen, these will be clearly marked as an advertisement story and that it's written by the company advertising
Why did I just spend a few sections to talk about this, you might ask. It's because I want to show that we aim to be transparent with what we do and that the opinions are our own
As this is a soft launch, we haven't fully worked out everything yet. Meaning stories won't have a set schedule
In the beginning, you'll see my name a lot and hopefully as we move along, we'll have additional writers